The Mint Ultralounge - Styleframes

The Mint Ultralounge is a popular upscale nightclub in Old Town Scottsdale. When I first moved here, I felt some inspiration for creating styleframes with a night life vibe. I imagined these projected on the walls, all separate themes animated differently, with the logo always centered and looped so the jump cut between would be additionally eye catching.

Client: Self; Spec work
Role: Art Direction, 3D, Design
Tools: Illustrator, Cinema4D, After Effects, Photoshop

Behind the Scenes

I never officially got in touch with the club itself, so the only way to obtain their logo was via Google search, and of course, it was low res. I traced the line work in Illustrator, cleaned the paths, and imported into Cinema4D for extruding in 3D. Lastly, polish in After Effects and Photoshop.